Tuesday, April 3, 2012

A line is a dot that went for a walk

A line is a dot that went for a walk!

For this assignment i used my life as a line is a dot that went for a walk.
As a feelings that would show more emotions with what the assignment was about.
Line that have emotions and feelings behind the line. I thought i did that in this drawing.
Meaning in this drawing are because it a personal drawing.

Arrows: - The arrows are what my path might go to next following the same old path, jumping to other new path, Life heading, going, might go, further holds.

Sun: - The sun is my brightness in my life where my idea's come from. warth off that just flows out.

Buildings: - New places i'm heading to or deatenest i might be going in my life and most imported place i hold dearly to me.

The following stars: - Are the down fall in my set backs and sometimes my down falls can turn to my greatest work.

People: - Are my friends and family that brings soilcy and suppered in my life.

Music: - What can't i say about music is one of the best things to get me in mood to draw up my drawings. Away for me to be relax and having fun in what i love to do.

World: - Is new things to try and do that is never
 endding operenturly amd new curltures to meet.

Rainbow: - Is my family past spirsteds that we remmeber.

Cloud: - My thoushold and idea that get clouded.

Ladder: - Climming to the highest point with studying and
eduction to be the best i can be in multi-media.

Pencil, cragsion and rules: - Is my life as drawing pictures.

Tree bresser: - Keep on getting bigger and new bressers grow off
the bigger ones is family is adding on the family tree
that will never stop with us.

Hearts: - The hearts are love that i have from
where i come and new love.

Heart with a tale: - Is broken love from the past.

Ipod: - Keep a line of music in order and on
track most of the time like my life.

I chosse to do this because i wanted the drawing
to have chartion, feelings, and a meaning behind it all.

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